Updated Second Edition now in Print! Docker For Developers is written for developers looking to replace development environments using virtualization. It’s also designed for devops people who want to see how integrate Docker into existing application delivery workflow. This book covers not only how to work with Docker, but how to make it work with your application.

Updated and Expanded edition

This revised edition significantly expands on the first with nearly twice as much content. Additional topics include creating custom images, working with Docker Compose and Docker Machine, managing Logs, and supporting 12-factor applications.

Inside you will learn about:

  • working with containers: what they are, and how they can help you as a developer.
  • using Docker to simplify building, testing, and deploying distributed applications.
  • separating the different concerns of your application to have a more robust, scalable application.

Finally, see how to leverage Docker to deploy your application and make it a part of your deployment strategy. You’ll ensure your environments are the same while streamlining packaging and delivery of your application.

Read a sample excerpt from this book

The sample includes the Table of Contents and Index.

Book Contents

This book covers the following topics:

  • Container Basics
  • Installing and Running a Container on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
  • Working with Container Images, Data, and Networking.
  • Using Docker Composer, Docker Machine, and Swarm Mode
  • How to Containerize Your PHP & MySQL application
  • Building a Custom Image
  • Working with container and application logs
  • Using containers with twelve factor applications
  • Using Tools like Docker Machine, Docker Swarm, and Docker Compose

About the Author

Chris Tankersley Chris Tankersley is a PHP Developer living in Northwest Ohio. He has been developing PHP applications for more than ten years, across a wide variety of frameworks and business needs. In addition to programming, Chris manages hosting and server deployments for developers that are looking for more than just what basic hosting provides. He currently spends most of his time working with Sculpin, Zend Framework 2, and Drupal.

He is also an author of many PHP articles for php[architect], as well as a speaker, traveling around the US giving talks at many PHP-based conferences. Chris also helped found the Northwest Ohio PHP User Group. Chris is the PHP FIG representative for Sculpin, a static site generator written in PHP, and the lead developer for the PHP Mentoring website.