Zend Framework 1 was one of the first major frameworks for PHP 5 and, for many, introduced object-oriented programming principles for writing PHP applications. Many developers looking to embrace a well-architected and supported framework chose to use it as the foundation for their applications. However, the first version was not without its faults. Zend Framework 2 is a significant improvement over its predecessor. It re-designed key components, promotes the re-use of code through modules, and takes advantage of features introduced in PHP 5.3 such as namespaces.
The first release of ZF1 was in 2006. If you’re maintaining an application built on it, this practical guide will help you to plan how to migrate to ZF2. This book addresses common issues that you’ll encounter and provides advice on how best to update your application to take advantage of ZF2’s features. It also compares how key components have been updated and how to address these changes in your application code.
Written by PHP professional and Zend Framework contributor, coach, and consultant Bart McLeod, this book leverages his expertise to ease your application’s transition to Zend Framework 2.
Zend Framework 1 to 2 Migration Guide Contents
This guide covers the following topics:
- Zend_Tool vs ZendSkeletonApplication
- Zend Framework Overview
- Model, View, Controller
- Modules
- Error Handling and Logging
- Layouts
- The View
- Controller Plugins
- Translations
- Forms
- Data Validation and Filtering
- Working with Databases
- Development Practices
About the Author

Bart McLeod is a painter and sculptor and spends most of his time programming in PHP and JavaScript. He currently works as a self-employed Zend Framework contributor, coach, developer, writer and speaker. Bart holds five Zend Certifications: PHP 4, 5, 5.3 and ZF 1 and 2. He blogs occasionally at spaceweb.nl and he tweets @bartmcleod.
Code Examples
The code examples in the book are available on GitHub at bartmcleod/zf1-zf2-book-1