Posts marked with “continued education”

Determining Code Coverage With PHPUnit

by · March 27, 2023


There are lots of ways that we can judge other developers’ code. A lot of them are subjective like spacing, function names, and class names. When we do code reviews these are not helpful methods to judge the code and we instead need to use a better method. We need to use non-subjective metrics like […]


Semantic Versioning

by · November 29, 2022


When new software comes out it has a version number like 8.2.0. If you’re confused about what that means you’re not alone. The software industry needed a standard way to describe software releases so we as consumers of the software could determine how big of a change it was and determine if we should upgrade. […]


Linked Lists With SplDoublyLinkedList

by · November 13, 2022


     As developers, we have times when we get to process a lot of data. Sometimes it’s a few kilobytes of data and we don’t need to worry about the performance of our algorithms because computers are so fast. When we’re looking at gigabytes or more of data we need to be aware […]


What’s Changed in PHP 8.2

by · October 12, 2022


PHP 8.2 will be released on November 24, 2022, and at the top level, there's nothing that's going to blow your socks off, but this is a good thing. PHP is at a point where it's stabilizing, so we shouldn't expect huge changes all the time, especially because it's a minor release. There are some […]


Learning How to Learn

by · May 1, 2022


Software developers are, by necessity, lifelong learners. We are constantly facing new challenges, new technologies, new methods of solving problems. But how can we make our learning more efficient? How can we better retain and apply the new things we learn? by Joel Clermont