Posts marked with “data connection wizard”

How I learned to stop worrying and love the wizard – Part 3

by · June 14, 2010


In part 1, we discussed how to use the new Flash Builder 4 Data Connection Wizard to connect to a PHP API. We used FB4’s prototyping feature to build a simple class that allows us to read/write users from a WordPress user list. In part 2, we discussed how to use that data connection to […]


How I learned to stop worrying and love the wizard – Part 2

by · May 11, 2010


In part 1 of this article, I showed you how to create a data service using the new Data Service Wizard. While the solution is not ideal for all situations, it is helpful to use when you have the PHP classes already built or use their Sample Class feature for fast prototyping. (Emphasis on the word prototype)


How I learned to stop worrying and start loving the wizard – Part 1

by · April 26, 2010


Adobe’s new Flash Builder 4 comes with a shiny new wizard-driven data access interface. How does it measure up to the “old-school” way of interfacing to remote APIs? Our own Cal Evans investigates.