Damien Seguy

Damien Seguy is CTO at Exakat Ltd., a company specialized in PHP code quality solutions for the industry. He leads the development of the exakat PHP static analysis engine, that automatically audit code for version compatibility, security and auto-documentation. Since last millenium, Damien has contributed to PHP, as documentation author, elephpant breeder, conference speaker on every continents. He also enjoys machine learning, gremlin, and camembert.
twitter: @exakat
PHP 7.3 is On Track!
By Damien Seguy
PHP 7.3 successfully passed the “feature freeze” deadline. On Aug. 1st, 2018 all features for PHP 7.3 were identified. This triggered the first PHP 7.3 beta, on the following day, and, from there, we’ll reach RC in September. It is time to review what this new PHP version has available for us, help test PHP 7.3, and get ready.
Published in Magniphpicent 7.3 – September 2018, September 2018 —Available for Free