Lochemem Bruno Michael

.Lochemem Bruno Michael, a recent graduate of the United States International University – Africa, is a PHP enthusiast from Kampala, Uganda. Author of PHP libraries such as bingo-functional and the fauxton-client as well as a PHP C++-powered extension for CouchDB, he is a passionate open-source contributor. In addition to PHP, Mr. Lochemem loves to dabble with other web technologies like JavaScript, and TypeScript. He is also a passionate cinephile profoundly interested in many things such as rap music, video games, podcasting, and sports.
Using Algebras in PHP
By Lochemem Bruno Michael
Algebras are commonplace in Functional Programming, paradigm incrementally gaining mainstream appeal in PHP. They offer a means of enforcing referential transparency in codebases rife with a plethora of side-effects endemic to real-world programs that typically feature some combination of I/O interactions and error handling.
Published in Trimming One’s Sails, August 2021
A Case for Functional Programming in PHP
By Lochemem Bruno Michael
Functional Programming constructs do not predominantly feature in PHP parlance despite the language’s aptness for the paradigm. Part of accepting the paradigm’s offerings might require introducing a paradigm-centric perspective of PHP: an effort that portrays the language—whose more prominent features allow for the style to exist in its ecosystem—as an enabler of Functional Programming.
Published in Dealing with Data, February 2021
Asynchronous Programming in PHP
By Lochemem Bruno Michael
PHP is, in many communities, scorned and even trivialized for many reasons—a lack of asynchrony being one of the biggest detractions. Fallacies as egregious as the aforestated derision are intolerable because of the language’s current robustness. Asynchrony—using interleaved processes in a single thread—is available to users of the PHP language to address the inefficiencies of inherently slow input/output operations. We can implement it either via language modules like Swoole or idiomatic PHP solutions like ReactPHP and Amp.
Published in Advanced Design & Development, June 2020
Building PHP Extensions With C++
By Lochemem Bruno Michael
PHP extensions are primarily composed of additions (functions and classes) to the PHP userland. Considering the PHP virtual machine is built in C, it holds that extensions are generally idiomatic C-based syntaxes. C++, a syntax-base with C-linkage capability, is an eligible extension-builder language and quite robust in its offerings. In particular, C++ 11 and newer versions boast modern features such as Lambda functions, the auto keyword, and templates. Together they can allow for the materialization of powerful PHP modules when used in conjunction with PHP engine-facing syntax.
Published in Object Orientation, November 2019