Ondrej Mirtes

Ondrej Mirtes

Ondřej works as the CTO at Slevomat.cz, moving between product and software development. He enjoys quality assurance and frequent deployment of innovations for the end users. He shares his experience at conferences across Europe, offers his expertise as a consultant, and organizes trainings. He also created PHPStan, a popular static analyzer that focuses on finding bugs in code without running it.

twitter: @OndrejMirtes


Testing Strategy With the Help of Static Analysis

By Ondrej Mirtes

When developing an application, our aim as software developers is to make sure it does what it ought to do and to keep the number of defects as low as possible. We should also strive to make our lives easier, to counter external circumstances like tight deadlines and ever-changing requirements causing the exact opposite. That’s why we’re always looking out for tools and practices to help us with our jobs. In this article, I’d like to introduce you to the concept of type safety and how it can improve the reliability and stability of your code.

Published in Testing in Practice – April 2018, April 2018 —Available for Free