Volodymyr Khvorostiankin

Volodymyr Khvorostiankin is a senior developer with more than 10 years of experience in various fields. He was engaged in the development of projects in the banking sector, the agricultural sector, social networks, and many others. At the moment he is working as a leader of the marketplace backend development team. In addition to developing on PHP, he is studying the methods of machine learning, and also breeds dogs.
Serverless File Uploading
By Volodymyr Khvorostiankin
The Internet as we know it is diverse, interactive, and personalized. Users of many resources strive to make their page or their channel unique. How can I do that? By uploading custom content. It can be virtually any file—an avatar, cover images, video, documents, you name it! Our task as professional developers is to ensure that users can share such content. Still, we also have to think about business requirements, minimize infrastructure costs, and increase the project’s resiliency. So let’s look at the ways to upload files using PHP, their advantages and disadvantages.
Published in Running Parallel, October 2020