Posts marked with “random number generation”

PHP Puzzles: Environmental Noise

by · February 8, 2021


This month, we wrap up our grid maze theme by adding some noise or empty space to our grid that already contains a path from the entrance to the exit. The idea is to approximate an environment map for a tabletop game.


Security Corner: Twist and Shout

by · November 7, 2019


By Eric Mann Most self-taught developers in our industry learn to leverage an API long before they spend time learning lower-level coding patterns. This experience isn’t necessarily a bad thing. All the same, it’s important to take some time to dig deeper and better understand the tools and technologies at the core of our trade. […]


Security Corner: Twist and Shout

by · September 3, 2019


Computers are deterministic by nature, so we need to leverage purpose-built random number generators to introduce unpredictability into the system.