Nicola Pignatelli

Nicola Pignatelli has been building PHP applications since 2001 for many largest organizations in the field of publishing, mechanics and industrial production, startups, banking, and teaching. Currently, he is a Senior PHP Developer and Drupal Architect. Yes, this photo is of him.
twitter: @pignatellicom
Drupal Dab: Security in Drupal 9
By Nicola Pignatelli
When you develop a Drupal site, you often think only of programming and rarely of security. Writing clean and secure code is useless if users can enter 123456 as a password. In this article, I’ll explain which modules to use to secure your Drupal website. Of course, there are other techniques and tools to secure a web application, but you can’t configure the web server or install third-party applications if you don’t have access to the server. Drupal core developers improved code and core modules to minimize risks; they eliminated code that allowed the insertion of PHP code in fields of blocks, content type, etc. In this article, I’ll explain which modules to use to secure your Drupal website. Of course, there are other techniques and tools to secure a web application, but you can’t configure the web server or install third-party applications if you don’t have access to the server. Okay, let’s dive into discovering these essential modules for our safety. by Nicola Pignatelli
Published in The Value of the AST, November 2022
Drupal Dab: Drupal 9 and Varnish
By Nicola Pignatelli
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the interaction between Drupal and Varnish, one of the most popular Cache Servers. by Nicola Pignatelli
Published in Making Code, September 2022
Drupal Dab: Creating Content Types in Drupal 9
By Nicola Pignatelli
Today you will create files to generate content type programmatically. At the end of this article, you will learn to create a simple content type with a text field and another content type with a paragraph field, which contains a set of fields. by Nicola Pignatelli
Published in PHP Blueprint, August 2022
Drupal Dab: Create a Custom Module in Drupal 9
By Nicola Pignatelli
This series of articles will teach you how to create a custom module and use its main features. It assumes you installed Drupal using composer, as I explained in my previous article (PHP Architect April 2022). by Nicola Pignatelli
Published in Database Freedom, July 2022
Drupal Dab: Drupal 9 – Introduction and Installation
By Nicola Pignatelli
Hello everyone. Welcome to the first of a series of articles that will take you into the world of Drupal, one of the most popular Open Source CMS used for various installations types, from the personal blog to the corporate site up to ad hoc software to solve specific requests. Versions currently installed on the web are 7, 8, and 9.
Published in Testing The Core, April 2022