Vinicius Dias

With a degree in IT and being a Zend Certified Engineer, I always try to follow the good boy scout rule: “Always leave the code cleaner than when you found it”. I am currently a Software Engineer at SOCi Inc, instructor at the biggest online tech school of Brazil, called Alura, and a YouTuber ( I am one of the administrators of Brazilian PHP user groups such as PHP Rio and PHP Brasil, having spoken in multiple conferences.

twitter: @cviniciussdias


Asynchronous PHP without external libraries

By Vinicius Dias

Asynchronous programming can be daunting at first, especially in PHP, but we will understand how to achieve it without using any external libraries in PHP. This will make the world of non-blocking I/O much clearer and prepare you to use tools like ReactPHP or Swoole with a greater understanding of what is happening under the hood.
by Vinicius Dias

Published in The Spectrum of PHP, September 2023