Posts marked with “php”
Parallelize Your Code
This month’s release touches on some examples that keep PHP and its community strong, relevant, and a fun language to code. Ken Marks continues his series on using PHP and a Rasberry Pi in a real-world example with Raspberry Pi Part 2 – Installing the LAMP Stack on your Pi. As developers, we live a […]
Parallelize Your Code
There are a lot of things you can say about PHP and trust me a lot has been said about PHP, but the one thing you can not say is that it hasn’t proven itself. PHP has grown with the internet itself and has the battle scars to show for it.
The Workshop: Configuring PHP-FPM & Apache
Last month we covered PHP and Apache and demonstrated how to get started with our custom virtual host in Apache and execute PHP via the libapache2-mod-php (mod-php) library. This month we will replace our use of mod-php with the Fast CGI Process Manager (FPM). Instead of bundling a PHP worker process in Apache, we’ll use FPM as another […]
Domain-Driven Resolutions
As 2021 fades from our memories, we hope that a few of you received fantastic geeky gifts during the holidays. Hopefully, some of those geeky gifts included Raspberry Pis. Over the next few months, we will build a project with one and hopefully inspire you to create something useful for yourself. This is also a […]
Domain-Driven Resolutions
Happy New Year from everyone at PHP Architect. We genuinely hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to do great things in 2022. We also hope that we have a small part in making 2022 great for you.
PHP Puzzles: Compounding Interest
Last month, we looked at how to output an amortization table to see how compounding interest affects some amount of money. Printing out such a table assumes we have a certain set of inputs. Moreover, it’s tedious, even simple for a computer to do. Let’s look at other ways to calculate the time value of […]
Upgrading code with Rector, CQRS, Livewire, is PHP the Worst?, and more
Eric, John, and Oscar talk about changes behind the screen and the September 2021 issue, It’s Really an Upgrade. Topics Covered Changes in ownership at php[architect] The Rector project: using it to upgrade and downgrade library code. CQRS: using it to scale database reads and writes. JWTs and Security Livewire and JavaScript front end frameworks […]
Education Station: PHP is the Worst
By Chris Tankersley I have been programming for nearly twenty years at this point, and I have worked in various languages. At many of my previous jobs, as well as my current one, I have had the pleasure of working with PHP as the core language of my job. Since the first time I started […]
It’s Really an Upgrade
We often consider improvements from what they’ll cost us, in time, effort, or money, in the short term and undervaluing the long-term benefits we’ll get. We cover practices that look daunting but are worthwhile in this issue, including PHP refactoring tools like Rector, Commands and Queries, PHP Unit, Strategic Domain-Driven Design, Livewire, and more.
PHP Puzzles: Animated Life
In this installment, we continue looking at Conway’s Game of Life and our exploration of cellular automata. Now that we can calculate how one cell in our grid changes from one generation to the next, we can extend that to see how an arbitrarily sized grid changes from one cell to the next.